Scarlet Pimpernel Flower Meaning: Decoding Its Secrets

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The scarlet pimpernel flower meaning comes from its appearance and rich folklore and uses.

In this blog, we will explore the symbolism behind the scarlet pimpernel flower through myths. We will then explore why the scarlet pimpernel is named “poor man’s weatherglass” and finally discover its uses and medicinal properties.

Join us as we uncover the hidden meanings and fascinating facts about the scarlet pimpernel flower and discover the secrets of this elusive yet captivating plant.

What does the scarlet pimpernel flower symbolise?

The scarlet pimpernel flower symbolises change, faithlessness, rendezvous, and appointment. The colour of the flower symbolises vitality, passion, and courage. Its possible powers are health and protection. Scarlet Pimpernel falls under the dominion of the sun and will make an excellent gift for the Leo zodiac.

Leo birth flower

The scarlet pimpernel flower is strongly associated with the sun because the flower is bright and vibrant and resembles the sun’s warmth and radiance.

Moreover, the flower’s colour symbolizes vitality, passion, and courage, all traits associated with the sun.

The sun in astrology rules the Leo zodiac sign. Leo natives exude charisma and also have confident personalities. The sun is also associated with the ego, self-expression, and creativity.

It is the core of a person’s identity and how they express themselves to the world.

What is the folklore of the scarlet Pimpernel flower?

In Greek mythology, the famous story of Persephone being abducted by Hades made her mother heartbroken for days and neglected her duty as the goddess of agriculture.

The earth became barren, which made Zeus intervene. The scarlet pimpernel is one of the flowers that grew from Persephone’s tears while she wept for her separation from her mother.

Other versions of this myth claim that the flowers grew from the blood of Adonis when he died. Both Persephone and Aphrodite adored Adonis.

This is where the scarlet pimpernel flower might get its meaning of faithlessness and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, which is central to the myth of Persephone.

Why is the scarlet pimpernel flower called poor man’s weatherglass?

The name “poor man’s weatherglass” comes from the plant’s habit of opening its flowers in response to the changes in weather conditions. Country people initially used it as a way to predict the weather.

The flower would open in full sunlight and close up tightly when the weather is cloudy or wet. This phenomenon is due to the sensitivity to the weather’s humidity and atmospheric pressure.

scarlet pimpernel flower

Scarlet pimpernel flower uses

The scarlet pimpernel flower’s meaning also comes from its uses. Let’s explore some of them:

  1. The flower known as the ‘blessed herb’ and is considered a magical plant in Ireland. They believed that holding the plant would give you second sight and make you understand the speech of birds and animals.
  2. The scarlet pimpernel can help to protect against witchcraft when hung over the door or porch.
  3. The plant drew out splinters and thorns while reciting a formula for 15 days, twice daily.
  4. Scarlet pimpernel also has culinary uses, such as salads and also as a garnish for soups. In France, it is called “mouron des champs.”
  5. Traditional medicine uses the plant to treat digestive disorders, skin conditions, and respiratory problems.
  6. The flower is grown for its ornamental value. It would be produced in a rock or as a ground cover. It would also make a suitable plant for container gardens.
  7. The pimpernel is a horological plant, opening its petals at about 7 a.m. and closing them at about 2 p.m.

Scarlet pimpernel flower medicinal uses

The scarlet pimpernel is a medicinal plant used for various ailments. The plant has been used traditionally for treating digestive problems, skin conditions, respiratory issues, and rheumatism.

It has also been used to treat eczema, ringworm, and other skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is also known to have diuretic properties and has been used to help with urinary tract infections.

Moreover, the plant is also known to relieve coughs, colds, and other respiratory issues, as well as to ease menstrual cramps and reduce fever.

It is important to note that scarlet pimpernel contains several toxic compounds. Contact your healthcare practitioner in order to gain guidance on how to use the plant.


In conclusion, the scarlet pimpernel flower holds a rich history of symbolism, folklore, and practical uses in weather prediction and medicine.

Its vibrant red colour and delicate appearance make it famous for gardens and floral arrangements. By understanding the scarlet pimpernel flower meaning, we gain a deeper appreciation for the natural world and its connections to human culture and mythology.

If you enjoyed learning about the scarlet pimpernel, why not explore other flowers that share its association with the sun?


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